My GPS voice is off. Doesn’t work on Anna, who is insufferable. It’s bad enough that I have to look at “Say ‘Anna’” every time I gaze at the minimap, but then she partly mutes my engine (what is up with muting the engine sound, people?!–it isn’t coming from the radio!), tells me something anyone would know, and asks me a stupid question that she expects me to answer out loud. This is about as least-common-denominator as it gets, and I really need to shut it off. I guess I can always try turning off the Kinect entirely, and see what happens. I shouldn’t have to do that, though.
No I mean the mechanic girl. I know it’s just a small thing and she just says three words but it’s getting annoying, especially with the lame synchronization I have to play with
I concur. In particular, the engine-sound freezing is unacceptable, because it impacts gameplay quite negatively. Please comment on that thread directly to add to the chorus of angry voices there.
“Hey, don’t be shy, come on in and let’s fix 'er up!”
That has to be the most idiotic line in the whole game. Devs of all stripes need to realize, most gamers don’t want NPCs making assumptions about us, our characters, or our intentions.
To the line in question, and its assumptions:
There is nothing wrong with my car. We don’t need to “fix 'er up”. I came here to tweak the paint/decals.
I am a racecar driver, and festival champion. This is an autoshop, associated with said festival that I am champion of. You are my personal mechanic. What on EARTH would I have to be shy about??
It may seem strange, but this sort of thing really does bug me. Hurts immersion, ya know?
Edit: it got so bad in Skyrim that some fools got put to the sword, for no reason but their mouths… both Ben and the mechanic (can’t recall her name) are most fortunate I can’t forge a Nordic Greatsword out of one of these cars.
I’ve got some problem in FH2 - there’s no sound of head of festival - usually he speak after/before race, after some tasks completed etc. Everything was ok when I started playing, but now - music/engine volume goes down, I see the loudspeaker in the bottom of screen, but no voice. I already try to restart game/xbox - nothing happend. I check all settings, set them to default - still no voice.
Console xbox one, all updates - instaled, storm island - instaled (problem appeared about month or two ago - no correlation between SI and problem).
Had someone with the same problem and who solved it?