PI System has strange scoring

I have a Question, the other day i was driving my A700 Tuned GT86, and i saw online a F50 tuned to A700 aswell. Now that one will be faster then my GT86, but how come we both have the same rating?

The F50 vs GT86
Speed: 6.8 – 6.7 = -0.1
Handling: 6.3 – 5.7 =-0.6
Accel: 8.7 – 8.9 = +0.1
Launch: 8.5 – 8.4 = -0.1
Braking: 6.8 – 6.1 = -0.7

So overal, -0.1 -0.6 +0.1 -0.1 -0.7 = -1.4 that the GT86 has less. So this will never be close to winning a race now is it?

Well firstly, those ratings really are meaningless they are a nice guideline for what you want when putting parts on the car. It is all about the tune when talking about what goes faster round a track.

To get to your specific issue probably horsepower, weight, and other parts such as transmission that could make the difference in the ratings but the same PI index.

There’s a huge difference in handling 5.7 to 6.3, I can tell a difference with just .1 in handling on most cars. Plus I’m not sure what the gt86 has for wing downforce bit the F50 has a lot which can make a big difference. Some cars are better suited to lower classes maybe the gt86 is one of them, I seen them in the top hundred in B and C class.

I would say…
weight bias

Weight influences handling, braking, and acceleration. Weight distribution influences handling and can influence traction/acceleration. So to say they’re not reflected in performance values isn’t necessarily true; it’s not shown directly though.

What is shown much less directly is things like time to shift and the power you get at the wheels. Older cars transfer power to the wheels less efficiently that newer cars (due to more frictional losses and generally less efficient drivetrains) and do not shift as quickly I don’t know how well this is reflected in the performance of cars in the game, but it seems as if it is because older cars can have better stats (horsepower, weight, etc) but a lower performance index. This is why you can often get a bit of an advantage with the older cars in many cases. While the do have the aforementioned disadvantages, they can be tuned out or negated with certain driving styles.

Aero also plays a huge role that I feel is not proportionally reflected in performance indices. The f50 has way more downforce and thus has much better high speed handling. High speed handling ability makes a pretty big difference in lap times that I feel is not properly reflected in performance indices. That’s why “leaderboard cars” tend to be those which can be tuned to have lots of downforce, especially beyond class b. It’s something I plan to post a more detailed thread about in the future, so if you’re curious, keep your eyes peeled!

power vs car weight mostly. and aero also plays a large part. your pi drops when you put on the forza aero which you can adjust to have less aero than alot of the stock aeros giving the car better acceleration and speed. aero also improves the brake rating on the 10.0 scale but if you lower the aero it dosn’t really help. the 10.0 scales are just general guidelines for upgrades with no tuning. its not just the parts you put on the car, its how you adjust those parts.