So first things 1st i know im now the fastest on forza by any means but when im giving everything ive got on a rivals challenge and then find out the leader is 7+ seconds faster i couldnt help be suspicious. I googled people cheating in rivals and turns out people are using cheat tunes! This really disappointed me that 1000’s of people are getting away with it.
Has anyone else noticed this and is annoyed by it?
Turn 10 is there anything you can to to stop this from happening?
I’m not that quick but quite often top 1% I’d still expect to be 3-5 seconds behind the guys at the top of the boards even more at a long track like Nurburgring.
I have no reason to believe the quick guys are using ‘cheat’ tunes, some people are just that quick.
Similarly I’m often in the top 1% and still about 5 seconds of the fastest time. And the bounty hunter events and racing league clearly demonstrate that some people (either by the help of skillful tuning within homologation rules or just superior motor skills) are really just that much faster.
But on the other hand, when I see someone at the top of the leaderboard 2 seconds faster than the number two (who is among the names I often see in the top) while using all assists, I do believe that there are ways of cheating yourself to the top.
Why one would do such a thing, clearly identifying oneself to the world as a cheater, is beyond me.
(By the way, that time was set in a ‘career’ race, not rivals)
Running extra long races in career mode, I get top 1% every now and then. When I do, it usually just means I’m in the top 300 to 3000 on a track/car combo that’s been done by 30K-300K racers. Top 10 are usually 10 sec or more faster than me.
I noticed on a few tunes that the tire pressure reads things like 19.6. As far as I know you can only change the PSI in increments of .5 so it seems like they must have done something “glitchy” in order to get it to move in increments like that. Unless of course, you can do it that way on PC and PC users also appear on the Xbox One leaderboards. IF PC users also show on PC leader-boards then i’m sure there is a good possibility at least someone on that platform has cheated. Either way, when I download that tune from them and run it my car isn’t magically faster…but it’s very pecuilar how when you go and try to edit it and it comes up for that brief moment and you can see the PSI how they managed to set the increment that way. Furthermore, on cars that have very limited upgrade options to where you know the ins and outs of how much performance is possible - i’ve seen some odd numbers for the accel 60 & 100 stats…not overly quick or anything…but just numbers that are not possible to come up with on console…no matter what gear ratio or part combination you put on, etc…you can’t get those numbers…so again it’s either ‘hacky’ or a PC vs Console issue where PC users have more fine tuned control over the tuning section and can use different numbers than just increments which causes all the stat numbers \and thus car performance to be ever-so-slightly different than what’s possible on console.
This is a matter of using a good build/tune for the track and driving well. There have been scenarios in the past where a glitch that was later fixed caused times to be unreachable until they wiped the leaderboards for those scenarios. But this sounds to me like its on every track with every car… they are not cheating just knowledgable with tuning and skilled with driving.
In terms of 19.6 etc if you change the settings over to metric the increments are slightly smaller and you will be able to adjust slightly more in the psi category.
when I race I compete with myself and don’t worry what times others get. ive been doing this for years and have slowly gotten faster because of it. its nice though to watch the faster replays to see other lines to take, or different ways to take tricky corners.
Lol just because someone is much faster than you doesn’t make them a cheat. The only reason I’d suspect a cheat time is if it was from someone who wasn’t regularly setting good lap times.
I doubt anyone is cheating in the leaderboards but it takes hours just to move up a little once you get to top 1-2% and to look up and see that you still need to shave 2-3 seconds off a lap to improve when you already have the tires screeching and the car going sideways into the corners. Wish they would break up the Non-Homologated into the correct categories though since trying to beat an X car in a P car is like flogging a dead horse sometimes. Truth is no matter how good you are there will always be someone who will come along and mop the floor with ya.
Some corners on various tracks have a few corners/areas you can push the limit without triggering a dirty lap which makes all the difference and you wouldn’t even consider doing it if you didn’t know or discover it by accident. I have a lot of accidents.
Havent played Forza in awhile but not heard anything about cheat tunes,. There are a lot of illegitimate times on the boards very noticeable in the spec rivals, when there was a glitch where you could use friction assist. But Turn 10 [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D] the game up and just don’t care about implementing the things people want (Basically what the old games were) and therefore just aren’t fixing the problems either from what i can see.
There are cheats in Autocross where people are hotlapping the track and ignoring the gates but getting clean times. I can’t name and shame due to forum rules, but disappointingly the chief perpetrator’s GT rhymes with SmellThemFar Tarmonic …
Until you don’t have any solid proof of it, it goes in the same category with flat earth society (in other words [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]).
There is this saying, that is often true: Git gud!
Im wondering if people assume you have to use auto-Homolagted cars. The is alot of people that dont you can rebuild the cars for suit them. I geuss they would assume user built tunes illegal. T10 need better communication, people would warm alot to the new Homolagted system if they knew had more freedom on builds.
In previous games there were cars that had upgrading errors that allowed them to set absurdly fast lap times. Those game breaking cars were patched later on.
In Forza 7, no such cars exist within the homologation spectrum so far. There may be some in the class based races but it may take a while to figure out since there are no longer any class based leaderboards.