Paul walker cruise (xbox one)

Everyone who’s a car fan will look at the title and instantly know who paul walker is. It’s coming upto a year anniversary of his death this month on the 30th. So I thought why not host a massive cruise, with our favourite cars, slow or fast! I will create a club for it and host the lobby for 1-3 hours where we will drift, drag race, circuit race and have Rev offs with a number of all cars to celebrate his life. We will be rallying as well people so get your cars ready. All you need to do is comment or send me a message via xbox live with your xbox names and I’ll invite you to the club. Xbox one only! I’ll see you’s on the 30th!
My Xbox live gt is Air iVorteX(I know it’s rubbish)

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Can you be in more than one club at a time?

I don’t think so, however the club is just an option, send me a message on xbox and I’ll add you to my favourites so I know you are joining the cruise :slight_smile: