Party chat intermittent?

Guys n girls anyone else having trouble with chat in horizon 2?

Mine and my mate’s chat seems to only work intermittent, and we only have this problem so far when playing H2

I’ve checked my Nat is open and cleared my Mac but still having problems, I’m not 100% sure this is even game related it might be a xbox issue as I’ve checked online and it appears to be quite common.

Just wondering if anyone else has encountered this and may possibly know of a fix.

Cheers all.

It is an xbox live issue I believe. When it happens snap party because when I did this it said something like “due to network limitations party chat is not working”.

The fix is try creating a party from scratch or wait until Microsoft finally get the xbox live network ready for launch lol.

Cool cheers SatNiteEduardo , it’s a real pain as it happens so often.

Mine says the same " due to network limitations " and gives me 0x807a1007 I’ve done the normal searching and turned up a few so called advice notes from mircosoft but they didn’t work.

Always found xbox had a good chat system (360) it was sony that had the problems, it appears to be the other way around now lol, or at least for me it is.

Anyway of finding out is Microsoft if infact working on this issue?

It can also be affected more depending on where you live. Places like australia are on the live infrastructure, but have less local servers than the middle of the united states for example. So if there’s higher load on your local servers, some services will be cut to reduce load. It’s better to have games running without chat, than being able to chat about the game you can’t play. lol
They really need to get on these bugs, it’s not like they haven’t been running an online gaming network for an entire DECADE! lol, and indeed, rofl.

I hear you Mitch, never had this problem before though in the Uk not on the 360 anyways the Ps3 & 4 have always been a bit hit and miss online, but my 360 has always been rock solid both in terms of game play and chat.

My brother and I have this issue quite often.

The only real fix is to leave the party and start a new one. That seems to work for us.

Edit: we’re on the One. It’s not a Horizon issue, it has happened every so often for the past year. Some days it doesn’t do it, some days it might do it two or three times.

Yeah, Live on the One certainly has it’s ups and downs. Usually there’s an alert if it’s properly messed up though. lol

I seem to have a buzz when I’m chatting to some people, all i hear is buzzz