I am a LCE P1 owner and drove the car around silverstone grand prix with a 1st place finish. I bought the Aston Martin One 77 today and ran the same race with a 1st place finish. No achievement.
Does the LCE P1 not count as a P1?
I am a LCE P1 owner and drove the car around silverstone grand prix with a 1st place finish. I bought the Aston Martin One 77 today and ran the same race with a 1st place finish. No achievement.
Does the LCE P1 not count as a P1?
I had the same problem. What I did was go to freeplay and set up a short 3 lap race and use a rented P1 not the Lce edition. Achievement popped right away after I crossed the line.
I are has same issue.
I was never able to get the “benchmark” limited-time acheivement with the P1 back when the game launched, either. That one said to drive 245 mph in a P1 before Dec31 2013. Well, I hit 247 not once, or twice, but 3 times: once in a “gifted” P1, once in a rental, and once in a P1 I purchased straight-up with ingame creds. Finished those laps clean, too, if that mattered.
No cheevo for B Wald Big Mek! (sadface)
I think you may have to buy the P1 with in game Cr i dont think it counts if the P1 is rented or a gifted car.
Quite possible - the game sees the LCE cars as separate models so it could be that you need to use a standard P1.
Can’t say I have had any issues with the P1 achievements (using the car sent courtesy of the Rewards program which is a standard P1).