Hey guys this has been happening for nearly a week now and I can’t see what I’m getting this is frustrating plz need help my girlfriends account on the same Xbox works fine. But mine are still not working the screens just black.
Have you tried properly restarted your console from the console settings screen or off screen
I have done everything short of reinstalling the whole game but probably would not fix the problem as I have switched online accounts and the other works fine witch makes me think that the problem lies not in the disc but in the online connectivity. Thank you for your efforts though any and all help is appreciated
Sorry if already tried but sharing experience having 2 xboxs and profile sync issues making having one these with unexpected behaviors.
What support will probably lead you to do is removing your profile from Xbox, flush cache data, hard restart and add profile again. No need to wipe your games.
End of it, I would just recommend you contact Microsoft support