online issues

So how do you stop the game randomly restaring while trying to play online?
Its getting on my last nerve literally about to get rid of the game.

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Nobody getting this issue?

If your game is stuck or shows other unsual behavior, follow these general troubleshooting steps in sequence:

After reading all that complete tosh the game still restarts itself everytime i go on multiplayer…i can get a game if im lucky but usual it happens mid race on those occasions. Its not my net Bf4 n titanfall dont restart on me, sick of this newgen blamegame bull.

Any other help ?

I guess its an isolacted case

I get dash boarded during mid-game as well, but I have the feeling that it isn’t nearly as much as it happens to you. I haven’t found a solution to it, but it doesn’t bother me so much since on an average turn it might happen once at most. My best advice would be to call Microsoft about it or maybe bring the console and game into Best Buy or some other place where they can do maintenance on it if necessary.

Yeh its driving me mad lol…
Thanks for suggestion but my other games work fine so its not a console issue.