Old Noob with a question?

Hi All,

So I just got an Xbox Series S after not having a console for the last several years. I am a huge Forza nut and played Forza all the way up to FM7 (Albeit - FM7 I played on PC). The last Horizon game I played was FH2. So I just started playing FH5 and I got past the tutorial or intro part, I have bought my first car to play around with.

Here is my question or confusion rather, I get the events and stuff, but I remember in FH2 being able to pull up behind the random Drivatar / AI ghost racer and box with push (whatever) button would pop up with a description of easy, hard, etc and you could race the random car is that no longer in FH5, I liked doing that before and it was a good way to earn credits for mods.

Thanks, SS02LSX - Zac.

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Welcome back to Forza Horizon. And to the Forza Forums.
Hope you enjoy Mexico!

You can still do a “Head to Head” race with a Drivatar.
But they dont have a difficulty above them.

That being said, you will earn money fearly easy in FH5.
Just do what you fancy and you will earn.

Just know that the Forza forums rewards is Discontinued. Unless you already knew this.

The level just shows up when you’re behind them like in all previous versions.

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Thanks for the replies!

What button do you hit to initiate the race?

I must be missing something something because I don’t see it pop up.

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Depends on your settings. Can’t remember (Old Frt here) but I think mine is just the X button.
And now they’ve edited a word used in a whole thread forum !!!
Get your act together Mods.

Thank you for correcting me AAORTA!

It does indeed show up.

And for me its (what used to be select on a Xbox controller)
But just get behind them and the game will be nice to say what button it is.

Note tho.
Only the ones with the D looking logo are Drivatars (also non ghosting cars that can and will crash in to you). Solid gray dots are real people, you can challenge some of them too, if that have it turned on.

If you want a large supply of Drivatars, go in to the Menu > Left Bumper to Online > And on the bottom right you will se “Horizon Solo” > Press that and confirm, then you will be in a lobby with only Drivatars.
If you want to go back to Normal Online, do the same steps, but this time it will say “Horizon Life” instead of “Horizon Solo”.


Sorry @The_Wet_Chef - didn’t mean to correct you :hugs:
And yes - you can challenge anybody as usual. As long as they don’t just try to hide like most people in this farce of an “interactive” game. No idea why they do it. If it’s scared of a photo option then you can still do it even when they’re paused. Not that I need to anyway - only 1 to go - the elusive Mercedes-AMG One 2021 FE.

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Okay, my online tab is grayed out, so i must not be far enough along in the game yet.

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yeah - it does take a bit of time to get there. you need all of the festivals unlocked and get 200,000 accolades to get the Hall of Fame to get trials etc. to unlock. It’s a a pain…

To race against npc cars you also need to swich to horizon solo. If you play horizon live you can only race against real players

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