“Failure is not an option” -Ha, Irony…
Currently Recruiting RWD Drifters, Post or Message for a tryout!
Currently Accepting Team Drift Battles. Message on XB1 or Private Message
Welcome to the thread of F8IL CR3W. We are a laid back RWD drift team that drifts for fun and battles as well. Anyone who wants to try out, message one of the leaders/Co-Leaders on Xbox One, or post on here with some basic Info.
How long have you been drifting?:
Previous Teams:
-AoD CrankdUp Ts
-C Rocka 89
im down man GT QuarterLB88
Hit me up on Xbox and leave me a message, I’ll join my gt is spirit roc
Im down hit me up UnTaMeD SaBLe
Awesome guys, Ill send all of you a msg on xbox and we can go from there.
im down message me on xbox cooker cool
Me and 2 others are looking for people to ride with or drift as well GT: zzzJAcob
Leaning toward “Project Kemuri” for team name, alludes to my old team (Kemuri Drifting). Anyone has any objections let me know.
cooker cool and zzzJAcob ill add both of you and send you a message when i get on today itll either be around 2:30pm EST, or tonite, like 9-10pm EST.
I’m down add me GT:Chux1996
Hey Chux, Ill add you as soon as xbox gets its stuff together and decides to work. Haha
Im down to join a new team
GT: CapnFusterCluck
Car/HP: Anything ranging from 400-800 HP. In terms of an actual car, Lexus LFA.
How long have you been drifting?: Since 2010 in Forza Horizon 2.
Previous Teams: Some small teams consisting of my friends at first, in terms of a team on forza forums; Sublime Drifting. (Was TheGhastface)
GT: Modsquad55
Car/HP: Really anything although i like to stick with mustangs and the S-Chassis
How long have you been drifting: Ive been drifting since forza 3. Really got into it in forza 4.
Previous Teams: No teams but always was into tandemning with my friends. Did a couple of scrim matches with a couple of guys from fmda
Also just got a wheel so im still adjusting to that, but i can still rip with a controller
Hey Modsquad, sorry i didnt see this earlier. Havent been on all weekend. Just add me on xbox and we will do some drifting.
Hey I have been looking for some a group of active guys to drift with since I got the game. Lets throw down some tandems!
GT: Sgt Stein
Car/HP: I use all types of cars : P
How long have you been drifting?: since I got my license about 5 years ago. Hooked me on driving so I got forza 2 and started way back then.
Ill add you theLockableTub and hopefully we can drift soon!