NUMBER ONE CAR! Alfa GTA on my storefront NOW

Sure, it’s the same one that ran Knuckleheads comp from a couple months ago but it is #1!!!

Now, only 11 people had ran clean laps on the track when it was ran but it is…you guessed it. NUMBER ONE!

Guaranteed top 1% six months from now when 400k have ran the track

1 Like

*Condition may apply. Certain level of driving is required.


Sure, you say no assists but was it really? Were your movements restricted in any way by wearing a racing suit and gloves? Was your vision appropriately restricted due to wearing a helmet?

Is this a revised Bathurst tune?

I ran your D class GTA for too many laps to count and I could not beat my time set with the Elan I used. My talent wouldn’t allow me to stop the rearend from stepping out on the tight turns. If you are sharing a new GTA tune I will run it again.

I love that car- I have it too and I have a great tune but I cannot figure out the gearing in C or B class- I suck.

Alpha-Holics sells rebuild GTAs in UK and I think here in the states. I am desperately trying to find one. I will have one by end of 2014

I was being really, really sarcastic

Top 1%
No Assists
Only 11 people ran the track (it’s a false #1). Really, only 11 people ran the track!!

The car is good though.

finally, someone thinks of the 1%

Never mind.