No collision lobbies are great love it but…
Please go back to the old track selection mode on FM4 its killing the game as it stands at moment…
I can race for 2 hours and only see 3or4 different tracks …
People constantly vote for the same tracks…
I cant learn the tracks or tune specific cars and know what is a decent time etc as it can be up too 2 weeks before i see a decent track etc…
Its seems that it only picks specific tracks ie…top gear west/top gear west or random …so random oh yes top gear west lol…
Plus certain classes just work better with certain tracks it makes for better racing etc etc etc…who wants to be on top gear west in X class n who wants to be on Le mans full or indy oval in D class…
No collision lobbies are a good step forward as FM5 Is unplayable online simple its become an arcade smash n grab …
Just give us a round robin system with a selection of say 20 tracks in order…like before…then u know what is goin on, what car to use, what times are competetive etc etc…
As it stands at the minute it is just plain awful and a mess…
Come on Turn 10 youve changed 1 thing for the better why not add more ???
In the ideal world it might work but we are human and giving someone a choice will never work for everyone…
i doubt this is gonna happen in fm5 but i do agree tracks like cat school, tg east and west, the mini long beach etc don’t belong in S hoppers for example
I would like to see a mix indeed of more/longer/shorter tracks throughout all lobbies, personally.
We all know which cars are best on which track and if you’re playing B-class, you probably find 90% of the time the same cars there because they run beautifully on the shorter tracks. Yet, not a lot of B-cars are “usually” tuned for the long stretches like Le Mans Old Circuit which makes it a new & challenging track to drive.
Enough with the voting already; I would very much see T10 implement indeed a round robin (maybe even in a new lobby system???) where, if you hang around long continuously enough in 1 class, you will get to race all tracks in almost all configurations eventually.
Now that you mention this I haven’t raced lemans in a few weeks, its always the short tracks with multiple laps. Then of course lappers become crashers…