[New To The Game] My Newbie Pictures!

Just started messing around yesterday (: Check em out, please do criticize!

Haha Thankss For Viewing!

-Justin Buck

Not bad for newbie stuff, Considering this track has a bug that causes photos to come out very… strange. This is definitely a good starting point. My best advice is to enter some competitions, and roll with the punches, and learn from your fellow competitors.

Forza has plenty of life for a photographer… I would be a prime example, of how video game photography impacts Real Life photography, and is fantastic practice, since you can get instant results, and move the subject however you like. Normally this would take hours and millions of $$$ to make something similar happen in the real world. Enjoy what $560 gets you… in real life, that is the cost of insurance for a 1 day photoshoot… and if you are lucky, a pizza.