New to drag.. Tune help please

any general tips for tuning for drag ie: gear ratios. i have a nova that i cant get into the 9’s even and i see people high 8’s. can anyone help with this please just need general gear ratio information. it looks as if no one wants to share that kind of info. thanks to whomever can help me.

well you have to supply a bit more info on what you have in your car like :
what motor , is it using a turbo , how much does it weigh/ what class , what tires size are you using, are you using race suspension

with out this important info we cant help you yet

I think hes just asking for the basics and if were looking at low 8’s hes probaly gonna need to use the race engine and transmission and race suspension. Nova is pretty light but anything to take weight out is a plus so race brakes etc is a must. As far as tuning goes I’m still learning so ill let some of the experts help here.

in his post he is asking for gear ratios well to give him those most of us would need the list i posted above

first find out at what rpm is ur highest torque and tune ur first gear to grab at the rpm with little I mean little wheel spin…
any car ith close to or over 1000 horse power will just need 5 gears for mile and 3 gears for quarter…
frist gear tune to torque
second gear tune to the end point of torque and begening of ur max hp
rest of gear will be tune to HP
make ur car light as possible
and you sound be putting good numbers…
now to break records start tuning other stuff like suspension def camber ect…
add me im more then glad to help