Hi. Does anybody else have this problem?
Since the last update if I clip a barrier or a cone,or rub another car, the bang goes into a loop. It just goes “bang bang bang bang” etc for the rest of the race. If I clip another barrier this new bang is added to the first. The more you bang the more they add up to a point where it is almost impossible to hear the car.
Over a 25 or more lap race it becomes like a kind of mental torture.
I love this game and would not like to have to stop playing it but at the mo it’s unbearable.
Cue the “Don’t hit the barriers” comments,ha ha.
Any advice or help will be appreciated.
Have you tried holding the Xbox button on the console until it shuts off and then restarting? You should record a clip first though, that’s a pretty interesting glitch.
Agreed. Clearing the console’s cache should relieve this issue.
Thank you!!
I have been getting the same thing happening for the past few days, very annoying… and the bangs just keep echoing and multiplying as you contact more things… very unplayable. Let get this fixed!!!
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I haven’t tried that. Thanks,I’ll give it a go.
Thanks CorruptedSanity. That’s done the trick.
Yes, I have the same problem, it sounds like someone is banging a piece of tin or the wheel rubbing on metal. It is very annoying. Has anyone found a solution yet? plse link.