New female gamer needs friends

Hi there my names magz i’m quite new to forza games but im loving horizon 2 and im looking for people to add me to play with, my gt is twinkletoes0386 thanks!


Welcome to the Forza universe. I’m sure there are plenty of people willing to make friends. I’m surprise you have yet to receive a response. Are you looking to make friends only with other female racers?

I added you

I’ve just added you both.

Do you both play FM5 also?

Thanks for the add Rommerto.

I do have FM5, but haven’t played much lately. Unfortunately, I’ve been neglecting it. I’ve found FH2 to be so damn addictive and it’s hard to put it away.

Heya, i just got my xbox one about a month ago and havent played anything but forza horizon 2… its too good to stop playing! Haha… I still havnet gotten storm island yet either… - I’ll add ya also so we can do some racing!

I like Storm Island a lot! I can definitly recommed it to you.

I’ve added you too

Hey Rommerto, I also have Storm Island, but have not yet played with anyone online using that map.

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Then we have to change that! :wink:

Maybe we can play together this weekend

Yeah man. I’m down. I’ll look for you online and we’ll set something up then.

You, and anyone else, can feel free to add me on XB1. GT is Lowrey89. Not the best, not the worst, but I like to game :wink:

As far as I’m concerned, this is the best racing friend to have in the Forza games. It keeps things fresh and interesting without becoming bored or discouraged. :slight_smile:

Fully agree mate. Winning or losing is the same to me as long as i’m having fun. If you’re having fun, you don’t become bored :slight_smile:

Hey friend, I’ve added you as a friend on Xbox. We should meet up in a game some time.

You sure? Whats your GT not sure I got it but yeah would be nice to have a few online roadtrips sometime.

My GT is zenkikush, we run weekly car cruises and drifting sessions if you would like to join. Check out our IDAMOD youtube channel to get an idea of the crew. Cheers !

Are you on the 360 or the one

Who are you asking?

looking for new drag/ drift friends If you guys want add me TS Carcass GPK and ill add ya back and we can tare up the street. Also have forza 5 and horizon 2 and storm island