new country flags?

dear t10… is there any chance of more country flags? I am welsh, but forced to fly the union jack! I’m sure my scot and irish friends feel the same… I don’t mind it when I get racial abuse BUT… go and eat a crumpet, or have a cup of tea! is not nice…call me a sheep [Mod edit - WSD, Profanity] as much as you want, but its not nice to be lumped in with those over the border… I’m sure this post will ring bells with scots, welsh and irish… this is not a racist post at all, just a geographical and cultural fact. please don’t shut it down. thanx diolch…thnx in welsh

I’m, er, an American, but… I support thee in your protest! ; )

Only if we can get an English flag.

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When was the last time you checked? The Irish flag is included, no Scottish or Welsh however.

I have never been accused of drinking tea

lol, i didn’t even know there is a difference.

There isn’t really it would be like Nebraska asking for its own flag lol

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Dam this is quite offensive. I’m English not British or Irish or Scottish or Welsh if personally love the St George flag and get rid of the Union Jack. It’s like saying bacon and beef come from the same sheep when that’s really not the truth.

It was a joke mate I’m English/ Irish myself, I just can’t get worked up over this tiny and pointless aspect of the game, I’ll take more cars and tracks over a St Georges flag thanks.

Really?! Obviously geography isn’t your strong suit.

i thought they would share the same flag. The team from Cardiff, Swansea and Wrexham all play in the English football league. :wink:

there are about 196 countries in the world. Making a flag for every one of them would be pointless - many would not even get used.

Wales, Scotland Northern Ireland and England are all covered by the Union Flag.

And i don’t see how you find being accused of drinking tea offensive, yet are indifferent to being called a [Mod edit - WSD, Implied Profanity].

I can see how you all get clumped into one tea drinking, biscuit loving bunch in weird clothes with terrible humor. It’s kinda like thinking all americans drive 4x4 trucks with a dip stain on the front seat, and watch nascar and drink budwiser. It’s not true, I promise!

The Union Jack represent the whole of the UK which, last time I checked, Wales, Scotland, England and Northern Ireland were all a part of.

If Wales ect… get their own flag then shouldn’t the different states in the US have their own flag in the game instead of just flying the stars and stripes?