19/02/2014 @ 9:50am I was threatened by a hacker in multiple voice messages after a race in Forza 4, a trio of team members led by [Mod Edit - D] were continuosly wrecking people off during two races i was in, then voted me out of the lobby for doing nothing more than being faster. i then recieved two voice messages where the same person proceeded to threaten my ability to enjoy my XBOX360, making efforts to limit my Forza 4 access.
I’m usually not threatened by jerks such as this, but this fellow seemed more serious/sincere in his threat.
I have thousands invested in my XBOX360 system, and am no longer taking these sorts of threats lightly.
I hope to recieve some responce from a Turn10 moderator, @ e-mail [Mod Edit - D].
Thank you. a concerned father and member of gaming community. Trevor C.
Such things like that are in the domain of Xbox LIVE’s Policy Enforcement Team. Please see this information: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/abuse/
You need to report people like that, and the Policy folks will remove them from Xbox LIVE. They are staffed to handle online issues like communications, and have the ability to join lobbies, see messages and hear recorded PM within their system.