need some GM HELP

Can someone kick the player out of the D class multiplayer room? I have been trying to race some D class but keeps sending me to the same room where this player has been on lap 2 of 4 for the last hour!! Sure would love to know how to create a new room if that option exists. If there is no such option maybe add it to Forza 6?

15 minutes later he is still on lap 2 of 4, been that way over an hour now…

OK D class is once again available! Thanks!

I usually run outside, lift my console over my head, look to the sky, then beg the Forza gods to give me the power of Sir Greenawalt. Works every time.

end sarcasm

There’s no way to kick players unless you’re in the lobby during intermission. Until he leaves or his system turns itself off/freezes, you’re just out of luck. I’ve had it happen to me before too, it sucks…