Need help! where the og's at?

whats up guys,

i just recently decided to get a 360 again and fm4 again and am flat broke on the game and lost everything. so i am asking the community to help me…old friends…new friends…whatever haha…

i need credits to build my garage back up

and dead zone settings for the ms wheel again cause as i said…i lost it all…any help is appreciated…

love you guys



Add me :slight_smile: I’ll be happy to send you a few mil

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will do my man

lol add DM Ambition bro

let me know if you need some good settings and tunes I got you playboy.

Where da cheeeeeeeeezzzze at?!?!?!

You can add me…wait, you are already on my friends list…nevermind then…

Add me if you want bruh, good to see some OG’s still here