Need Help!!!!urgent

Its not the first time i get banned from F4 but this is ridiculous.20 years???.am i banned from other forza titles as well now?
You will probably tell me that I am responsible for what i am putting on my storefront or auction house
but if you never recieve an answer back from TURN 10 telling me what i did than i will never know.The only support i get is an auto generated mail with tons of commercials aboutF5.The lack support given by TURN 10 is really awefull
I work really hard on my designs and setups and sometimes i earn alot of credits for my cars and effort on the auction house.Could this be the reason why I get banned everytime?
(I am not using my storefront so that cant be it)
i am not cheating or something because i only use the gift function,share to clubgarage and auction house.those are all made by TURN 10 and included standard in the game.
It cant be right that people get banned for using the functions of the game and also get banned from their own club and clubgarage
If you go check the rivals drift leaderboards there you will find the real cheaters. for months i see people with 999.999.999 total drift score (for example. drift it yo)what is TURN 10 going to about that?moderators will probably block this topic but i think i payed enough money over the years on forza games,limited editions and DLC to get a descent explenation why its necessary to ban me for life.not letting me use the clubgarage, …

If you have any questions, feel free to send an email to Turn 10 at Neither bans nor the enforcement of the Xbox LIVE Code of Conduct by Turn 10 are discussed on these forums.

oO CLeAnCuT Oo: The records show - and you should know already because you’ve gotten messages in both FM4 and Horizon games since September 9, 2012, January 11, 2013, November 14, 2013 and on April 12, 2014 (all FM4) which gave you an extra ban in that game alone; plus October 29, 2012, and again December 19, 2012, in Horizon.

All those where for instances where you attempted to sell liveries without the permission of the original artists. See the pattern there? No permission, therefore you’re violating the Xbox LIVE Code of Conduct, and you’ve been stepped (even an extra step) through the progression of bans, starting with 7 days for the first offense, 30 days for the second, and permanent (that’s the 20 years) on the third offense.

Neither bans nor the enforcement by Turn 10 of the Code of Conduct are discussed on these forums. The evidence speaks for itself.

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