Need a Green Hell Tune F Class PLEASE

Hello to all. I am asking if you top notch tuners can help a guy that just cant get tuning right. I would appreciate anyone who can send me an F Class tune for The Green Hell. (Nordesheief) Sorry if I misspelled. The fastest car I have found is the Porsche 550, but welcome anything that can beat 10:30 full CLEAN lap. Must be a clean lap. Thank you very much. Please send tune to… Gamertag is KetchintheApex. I really appreciate it.

Just about any car can do a sub 10:30 in F class… Just don’t put aero on it. If it’s light, add weight reduction and handling. If it’s heavy, add power. That’ll get you sub 10 minutes with just about any car… Even a Transit van.

bulin is right the aero kills it down those long straights however the tune needs to be stable and soft with a bit higher ride height to soak up the bumps and elevation changes also slightly taller gearing is in order due to the length of the straights just for giggles I decided to try my kott c1 at stock power level I ran under 11:00 with it but its 68hp make it less than ideal for this track I know with some tinkering with it it will run 10:30