Need a couple of tunes

I have struck out on the storefront lookin for these tunes. Sunset Oval, E-class, Mazda Familia or Chevy Bel Air. And Test Track Oval, E–class, Mazda Familia. I have tried EVERY oval tune for each of these cars that I have found on the SF. I did find some good Familias’, but they weren’t great tunes, and I need great tunes. For the life of me, I am unable to beat my best Sunset Oval time of 0:58.410.

Oval driving is just… Different. You can have the best lap you could fathom and you’ll still lose time somewhere… The guys on top of the boards have precise control and perfectly set up wheels for maximum smoothness. If your tires scrub AT ALL on an oval, especially in lower classes, you’ll lose monumental amounts of time.

Thanks for the info Bulin. I found tunes, forgot I made this post.

Just to let everyone know that some of the Top Leaderboard times are set with help from drafting.
Sometimes there will a replay in the top 10 that will show damage to the rear end.
If your time is in the top 100, you’re doing great!

Happy lapping!