Multiplayer Support

I’ve invested over 300$ in this game hoping that the multiplayer would receive some support. Their lobby system leaves much to be desired and their game modes have been the same since launch.

Have I made a mistake supporting Turn 10?

I don’t understand why the tracks are made of asphalt…I mean other than Sebring being concrete…asphalt?

Was this your first Forza game? If so, you might have wanted to make a small investment first to see how it panned out for you.

If this was not your first Forza game, then you should already know that Turn10 really doesn’t put much effort into their games post release other than doing the DLC car thing. They may toss out a couple updates to fix bugs and such, but multiplayer goes pretty much untouched year after year. Turn 10 apparently cannot even be bothered to update the league or MONTHLY hoppers. Forza MP is and has always been the watered down, casual friendly, heat racing mash about centered around a handful of general classification cars to be competitive.

So - if you blindly dropped $300 thinking Forza online was going to be some vast and wondrous simulation racing experience that spanned all sorts of body types/classes and offered a deep and immersive ladders and leagues, then yes, you made a mistake.

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Hugely disappointed considering “next gen”. Communities are built around multiplayer support. I have a feeling that Turn 10 is not interested in supporting communities. One less developer to support.