Multiplayer scoring confusion

Ive been playing a fair amount of the multiplayer road trip lately and ive become very confused with the scoring system. It seems to be incredibly random and hard to predict with a large focus being given to “skill points” even during a standard race. What was wrong with a scoring system where the person who comes first wins, person who comes second comes second and so on?

The insecurity of my position despite driving well is really lowering my satisfaction with the game as it seems the only way to be certain you will win the championship is by winning every single event.

Also, why do XP boards count towards the roadtrip score?! Surely thats totally unfair to the rest of the group!

Can anybody shed some light on how it actually works or if you feel the same?


its exp based. if you end up 1st you get more exp. but other people can compensate for that with skill points. if the person who finished first didn’t do any skills.
basically you can’t be lazy even when you are first to finish.

i didn’t know about the boards which in my eyes should be turned off in or at least don’t count for the total exp.

i figured thats what they were going for. I just seems a bit stupid to me, winning a race takes skill in itself and sometimes you are fighting and getting hit by other drivers, thereby killing any chance of getting skills points

Since when has a racing game not been about winning? I just wish it was the same as the singleplayer scoring system, or atleast have an option to use that system. I dunno, personal preference i guess…