hey guys im new to the site and the game but playing with a buddy online i cant get into the games. i can get to the lobby and vote on a track then it starts to load and i just get stuck in a load screen then finally about 3-5 minutes later tossed to the menues screen any suggestions or anyone else having the same or similar issue thanks in andavce!!!
It could be a bad lobby it happens now and again or if its all the time your box could do with turning off properly hold down power button until it turns off leave for 5 mins or so, or it could be your connection, are you hard wired or wifi? If WiFi try hard wired if possible
im hard wired ran a speed test on my internet i sitting about 35 Meg and its all the time i have had the box for 2 days now first day i had it had to contact microsoft it wouldnt read a disc download or play apps… so idk if its just forza or my xbox
Sometimes like today I’ve had that problem as well… getting kicked right out of forza and having to restart the game. I think its something with Forza. They have a serious glitch they need to fix it soon! It is annoying! I don’t want to have to always turn on and off my xbox this is crazy.
You don’t need to restart Xbox to restart game, when at dashboard highlight game in main screen, hit start, select exit and reload, if still really struggling try reinstalling the game,
You need to make sure that IPSec is enabled on your router.
Also, try changing the power settings under the options tab. If you have instant on checked un-check that box and automatic updates.
Then do a full reboot by holding down the power button on your xbox one.
this gets asked multiple time a day. why cant this be a sticky? the “like the paint” thread is a sticky and gets less than 1 response a day. telling people to “search for it” and locking when it would be much easier to just put a sticky in their face to begin with.