Motegi challenge

Guess I’ll play on my Sad Catz el cheapo I managed a 1.42.370 with it … with tc on this time hmmmmmm ?

For me… more frustrating than trying to get a clean lap at Fujimi ;[ All I can muster with my abilities is a new PB of 1:43.415, but I did find and research a new replica paint ;] So not all a total loss ;]


WISH we could do a V8 conversion on 4 :[

Thanks V ;]

Monster Miata rings a bell :wink:

Youre getting closer n closer kool , am sure you will crack it soon enough

I managed to get a 1:42.859 last night.
Replay up on Storefront with Best lap on #4

Oh so close , EZT :slight_smile:

Obviously I got lost on the way to Motegi, as I seem to be stuck in “Struggle City” currently residing in “Poor Lap Time Street”

It took me a while to get it just right so stick at it mate

1:42.487 - PB on the Leaderboard
Great tune :+1:

Cheers Wan Ge , well done beating the target time .

You guys have set the bar higher than a giraffe’s…torso. (self-censoring)
Great tune, V.
Even though I had some poor times, I really enjoyed driving this setup.
Laps in the 1:42’s? That’s about A Class performance with my driving…

You enjoyred it , thats the main thing . I get soo frustrated sometimes , have to stop meself launching controller at the walls when things arent going my way !!!

Think this one has run its course . Thanx to all who tried it out . For those looking their prize for beating the target time , put a VW up for 50M in the AH and i will sort you out ASAP .

Will have another challenge up n running in a few days

Looking forward to your next one V :slight_smile: