Monthly Multiplayer

the month;y multiplayer has not changed since the game was released like the monthly rivals has. Can this please change monthly and be expanded to more than 4 events? I would say 2 beginner class races changing the class each month. 2 expert class races with the classes changing monthly and 2 special events each month. a great one would be la mans/tuder GT race where you can only be the GT Ferrari, Corvette, BMW, or viper. also “D” or “C” class 90’s up ricer vs 80’s or lower muscle would be nice as well. I wouldn’t mind having more leagues to select from as well, currently only have four.

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I agree with everything you said. Would be nice to change up the classes. I also like seeing what is faster, imports vs. american muscle…

Are the monthly races supposed to change or will they remain the same for eternity?

Forza 4 had also a group that would change regularly but also there they didn’t change that often.