When we are ready we will release alps tune… For those of you that already have it please for the sake of competition hold on to it as newer and better renditions are underway.
We will start to release some of the MLR tunes when and only when turn 10 does the drivers club update.
We as MLR have already started to recruit a few that have been racing with us and much room for many more when turn ten decides to grace us with the updates most saut after. overall leaderboards and clubs with rankings as previously done in almost every forza… We also would like a few of the challenging tracks that were ordained in blood sweat and tears of widows of the past in real life formula one races like Nuremburg ring and mount fugi.

Not asking a whole lot here just that you continue with forza tridition by returning the drivers tracks to them as every other forza has… Maple valley, motegi, Japan (forza one) alpine (forza one) Rio (forza one) New York (forza 1,2,3) this is what will get others to buy the new system and purchace and play a game worth spending $600+ on…

I understand you all from turn ten work hard long diligent hours to bring us forza fenatics and enthusiasts together,
I commend you and thank you for this, my personal opinion coming from May of 2005 until now every forza game was well presented except this one. There are 2 million more player out there not racing because of the feed back their friends give them about this game

2,000,000 x $70 = money for turn ten and anyone involved in the process… Word of mouth goes a long way turn ten !

This forum is for sharing and discussing tuning. If you want to see tracks added to the game you can submit your request in the Forza Motorsport 5 Track Wishlist thread in the Forza 5 Discussion forum, or email the developers at

Thread locked. Do not repost.