Missing 1 car from the New VIP Pack

Dewar T10 Team,

first let me thank you for this great game being available on PC now too, love it.
Sometimes i crash to Desktop while racing but i am sure you will be able to fix this soon enough.
I also love the Loot Crates system, to me its kinda “collectors fun”.

Today i read your news on Facebook about the VIP changes and gifts and immediatly start the game to check it out, unfortunatly i only got 3 of the 4 announced cars missing the Acura.
Is there a chance you could send me that too, as i love the design and bonuses of the Forza Edition cars, thanks :slight_smile:

Kind regards

The car arrived, 7 minutes after this posting. Wow thanks that was fast cheers

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I saw the new announcement this morning and didn’t get the Acura as well.

Nothing here for me, credits or cars wise, since the game (UE), still isn’t recognising any of the DLC, including VIP.