Microsoft just screwed me.!

Was having issue with missing cars. So ms tells me to delete my game. I lost everything. [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - fyerball] 16million cr earned and level 132 gone

dude same thing but I lost 48 million

shoulda just cleared the system cache

I did what they person in chat said. And bam gone.
So I was upset and called support. Guy was like I’ll just give you the 4.99 for the dlc pack. I was like the entire gave is gone. All the hours sievt playing tuning modding painting just gone.
He gave me 2 months of live gold for free :confused:
I’m still upset. Even more do when he told me they shoulda had me back it up with cloud, or the fact that he was like they shoulda just comped you the dlc.
They even says they couldn’t see the dlc in my account. Funny I seen it right away.

usually the first thing they do is get you to unplug the router to reset it which also disconnects you with them

I’m not sure what’s going on in this thread, were cars you previously owned gone or did you buy DLC and you couldn’t see the cars in the dealership?

That and why would they tell you to delete your game save?

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These were cars that were in my garage that I bought and tuned or cars that were won playing the game in career.
It was saying I had to buy dlc packs to use them.

ok, did you get a different copy? because it sounds like somebody swapped you with the essentials edition. I know because I did it and ended up with the ess. edt.

This. There should be no reason for this to happen other than that.

Check you disc to see it if says essentials edition and if it does then that’s was your problem to start with

Samething happened to me…support said - erase your casche three times, then EVERYTHING was gone. Cars, tunes…Everything. I had to start all over. Took about two weeks to go through career and get the saem cars back.

Erasing your system casche wouldn’t erase your game save,tunes, paints,dlc and all that.

  1. Because it has nothing to do with the saves

  2. Your game save, tuning save, layer group save, design save, and all DLC are separate save files.

So in order for you to lose everything in one go you may have had a HDD failure, or as mention you went from full game to essentials version, or(and this is a huge or, so huge that there is no way it could have happened) you may have accidentally erased all of your content yourself.

Check your disc and see if it say “essentials” on it anywhere

Edit: Didn’t think about this until now but were you using a cloud save?