Message to Turn 10


What do you answers me if i tell you that 20 % of car available in FM5 comes from DLC ?
On 256 cars in the game 53 aren’t free! Don’t you think it’s acceptable for gamers like me who trusted you during all this time !?

You don’t understand that you have lost many people in doing those things, you can still act in getting them free!

For all people on this website who will read this post, please don’t be passive and support me!


A french.


So what you’re saying is, you feel like you shouldn’t pay for those extra 53 cars in the game? Even though you just paid for 200 cars?

DLC has been optional and you don’t have to pay for it. So you don’t have to spend another dime for anything you don’t feel like paying for. DLC is standard and almost every game has it now. So weather you want an extra car, an extra gun, or a new map/track/level, you either pay for it, hope (Not ask) its given out for free, live without it, or hope its in the next iteration of said game, which you’ll still have to pay for.

Need for speed underground 2 was one of the greatest game I played… and it only had like 30 cars…
Anyway… Does that mean you drove everyone of them ?

so, basically, you think they should provide you with a game with 200 cars in it, and then continue to release new cars for FREE? that sounds like a great way to run a business into the ground.

1 Like
  1. OP does bring up a valid point in general
  2. DLC is standard because we all supported it in the beginning (when it was actually new contents) but it has now become the norm and part of the developer’s business plan.
  3. While new content is justifiable, charging for previously released content more than once I find distasteful

I don’t mind paying for DLCs as long as they are new content. I am willing to pay to support T10. I just cannot get myself to agree with their tactics, eg. holding some cars ransome (then calling it free) unless you purchase the pack.

I know, it’s a personal thing. I only purchase the cars that I want individually and do not buy packs.

It is a shame how few cars we get compared to the previous title, but the DLC is optional.

Opt out.

Unfortunately, the more people opt in, the more the industry will steam in this direction.



If their DLC were like “rally pack” in Horizon, i would not be angry at all! It’s a new contents, so why not?
But for me it’s not the same! There is no exclusivity in downloading it! Don’t forget that these DLC car pack were included in FM4, and for free!
If they couldn’t or wouldn’t give more than 200 cars (because for me it’s enough to play and have fun with) in order to be concentrated on other things it won’t be a problem!

Do you understand that it’s more than 50 cars in DLC! It’s not for example an extra they did because ford present its new mustang or because they finally had the rights to put porsche in the game ! You see what i mean? Those cars arleady exist and don’t have to be part of DLC! It’s a shame, nothing more!

But in doing it they just show us that they could include these cars since the begining! The fact is, if you accept this thing, they will just understand that in the next opus they will doing what they want in DLC because people will buy it without saying anything!

I see it as big as a moutain that in the next games we will have 50 cars and 5 races to play and for example 10 races and 200 cars in DLC! Because they know how to make people crazy behind a nice car!

You couldn’t just saying “it’s optional so don’t buy it!” I know the way it is but it’s not a reason to ignore it!
Close you eyes on it and i assure you the next time they will get your b****!


A french. (Forgive me my english sucks! But i did my best :wink:

Guys, this has been hashed over and over and over again.

DLC is NOT a Turn 10 / Forza exclusive. It is a revenue model being used commonly throughout the video gaming industry.

You don’t have to like it, but complaining about it here serves no purpose.

Let Turn 10 know how you feel through the proper channel: (yes, you will receive an auto-reply, and you may or may not receive an individual reply, but all email sent to that address is reviewed by Turn 10 staff. The same cannot be said of every message posted on this forum).

  • Don Ente