Not sure where to post this. My data was lost for forza 5 on my console. My stuff was still saved in the cloud but every time I hit sync it just sits there. I’ll check back in 10-15 minutes and still says syncing. I’m over 2000 driver lvl so I would assume it would take some time. I stopped the sync and have been playing from lvl 0. I’m lvl 50 and didn’t really care that I had to start over but than I realized I lost all my special cars. From bounty hunter and other special events/gifts. Does anyone know how long a sync would take? I thought that it wasn’t going to work but maybe someone else knows how long it takes. There’s nothing that tells your how much time or percentage complete. I don’t care if you lock or delete this I just want some replies first.
Also lost my data! Please help turn 10. Got an advanced exchange from microsoft and when I sync my data it just starts me from the beginning. Was lvl 300+ and had bought every car on the game. Also completed about 3 quarters of the championships and was working towards 100% achievements. If I’m honest I dont think I’ll play the game again if I cant get my save back! If there’s anything you can do T10 then please help as I love this game!!!
Just noticed not got any gift cars either including my beloved Lotus E21 and no tokens at all even though I’m VIP! Come on T10 you must be able to do something!! This is ridiculous.
I actually got mine to work. It took me about 2 hours and a lot of “failed to download at this time” messages.
My Brother was asking about this as well and they suspended his account on the forums for 3 weeks. He still has no accesses to any of his cars. He has a PM from someone but can’t read it since he is suspended. Where do you get in contact with support for this game?
PM me his gametag. I will look into his suspension.