Looking for someone to race with on the weekends in Forza 4 or Forza 3. Please friend me if you want to race. My gametag is TarryVariable1.
Check the Racers Lounge. Our Club hosts Races 4 Days a week, one of them being Sundays at 5:00 p.m. EST U.S. Just look for the Threads that start with - BIGTIME MUSCLE [88bg] and the thread will have all the info you need to get started.
Is this your Xbox gamertag or PS3?
Is it for Xbox or PS3
I hope you won’t take offense when I point out that it would be extremely odd for someone to leave a PSN gamertag here, Forza being an XBox exclusive franchise and all…
My gametag is an xbox 360 gametag. Thanks iCarlyfan24 for friend request, Please send me an xbox live message on the weekends if you want to race in Forza 3 or 4. I am still looking for more people to play Forza 3 or 4 on the weekends, Please send me a friend request if you are interested.