Looking for someone to race with in Forza 4 or Forza 3

Looking for someone to race with on the weekends in Forza 4 or Forza 3. Please friend me if you want to race. My gametag is TarryVariable1.


Check the Racers Lounge. Our Club hosts Races 4 Days a week, one of them being Sundays at 5:00 p.m. EST U.S. Just look for the Threads that start with - BIGTIME MUSCLE [88bg] and the thread will have all the info you need to get started.

Is this your Xbox gamertag or PS3?

Is it for Xbox or PS3

I hope you won’t take offense when I point out that it would be extremely odd for someone to leave a PSN gamertag here, Forza being an XBox exclusive franchise and all…

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My gametag is an xbox 360 gametag. Thanks iCarlyfan24 for friend request, Please send me an xbox live message on the weekends if you want to race in Forza 3 or 4. I am still looking for more people to play Forza 3 or 4 on the weekends, Please send me a friend request if you are interested.