Looking for no assist racing league

Looking for a group of guys to run with that like to drive without all assists, including ABS. I run manual with clutch and sim steering on controller and really enjoy having complete control of the car and the victories are that much sweeter when you know it was you and not the computer keeping your car on the track. I tune and race my own vehicles and prefer to run A class up to X, spending more time in the faster cars. P class would have to be my favorite.

IGN is Brokenparts and I will be home Monday sometime if you want to get in contact. Are there any leagues or groups of guys who run with similar settings?

Just curious, are you talking no race/brake line as well? or just no vehicle assists?

Yes, no lines. No driving lines or brake lines or. As close as you can get to driving a real race car around a track in real life with no assists.

I prefer to run chase view but I have plenty of seat time in the cockpit view also.

I usually run brake line but I’d like to start doing some racing without it.

I also race full sim, no assists, no line, clean, with a controller. I use in car view. If only we had custom public lobbies this kind of racing action would be so easy to find.

typically i run in C or B, bit of A. But would be up for trying the higher classes too.

I’m definitely interested in running in a series with these assists. if you find any, let me know.

we might be on our own here… If you want to step up to the quicker cars, I can help you get a base setup on em.

I race without any assists and all of my friends do as well… We always have… Let me know if you’d like to run with us as we’ll be starting our series racing soon… GT: JINXaPHRENIC or contact JINXaCHU

Take a look at GlobalSimRacing.org, I’m pretty sure everyone is running no assists in the leagues even though some are allowed most of us view them as cheats and cockpit view is forced on. Great group of guys and the racing is usually pretty close because everyone runs Sim.

Just had a look at the rules… TCS, ABS, STM and simulation steering are optional.

Damn, almost got excited :confused:

Yes they are optional, but so far for this years endurance season, no one it running assists other than abs I believe. Maybe try a us out, and you are on my FL when some of my other buddies do a private race and you’re on I’ll shoot you an invite, we only use TCS for leaderboards not for when we race each other.

Hey guys… Yeah you probably don’t want to go to GSR if you’re into sim racing. The racing is very messy too

I’m at the moment trying to organise the same thing. I’m in contact with Darin from insidesimracing regarding doing some races… We’ve had a few races but only usually get 4-5 show up. If there’s interest here then I’ll start setting up more races, either on insidesimracing or on ApexOnlineRacing. I already have a few no assist drivers, so it would be good to get something going as I point-blank refuse to drive in assist lobbies now whenever possible… I’d be looking at doing 10-20 lap races

Shoot me a message, either on here or on Xbox One. PullThePlug666 is my tag… Cheers

I don’t know what you speak of, but we race as SIM as possibly and we encourage newer Forza players to use traction as a safety precaution for the rest of the field. Even some season players may need it at first because cockpit view is forced. The only time the racing is “messy” is when we have new members attempting a new series and it hardly lasts past the first race, but hey that’s racing when people come from leagues racing without cautions, no assists, and competitive racers.

Anyhow, we are always modifying to make a better enjoyable SIM experience. Our admins are great about entertaining new ideas and suggestions.

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I’d rather find people who already do no assist cockpit racing to alleviate some of the messy driving concerns. The whole point of trying to organise races for me is to remove the reckless drivers.

I think you’ll find a lot of people use the GTA style chase cam… If you’re forcing “racers” of that skill to use cockpit view, there will always be rash driving…

A few of my friends race with GSR. I’m sure you do a great job… But I don’t want people smashing into me on organised races. You should do strictly no assist races to try and turn away the lesser skilled drivers


I understand how people want the game to be as SIM as possible, however the reality is, you have no mirrors, you’re probably playing with a silly controller, you have no peripheral vision of who is beside you or where they are unless they’re in front of you. I find it highly unlikely many people use the multi screen setup and there may be a few people with a wheel but most people don’t want (or care) to get comfortable with it. (Which is utterly silly to me considering the fact this game is a RACING SIMULATOR, anyone can button mash on a controller, it’s a rare breed who use a wheel and are actually proficient at it.)

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Its difficult to get many of the things you mentioned. I thought there were mirrors… I use the main one all the time in cockpit view… And no peripheral vision? I thought that’s why you have an option to move your head around. Also, on the pad you can use the spare stick to look left and right if you please

I use a pad at the moment dude. Hopefully F1 is announced soon, as I’d like to get a wheel; but don’t feel the investment is worth it right now tbh

I also think in many respects that wheel users have an easier time. You have no way of being wholly precise with your steering, corner exiting is a nightmare in most cars on a pad… It depends how you race though I suppose… Imo, if you’re in cockpit with all assists off then it doesn’t really matter if you’re on pad or wheel as they’re equally as difficult. I’m sure when I get my TX wheel I’ll pick it up no problem and will be a lot faster than I am currently

It is FAR easier to be fast with the controller, without a doubt. But I guarantee you won’t have as much fun :smiley: I’m not sure how to look around with the wheel. I will have to look into that. I usually run the chase cam when I’m racing with other opponents (and drivertards) and in the cockpit when I’m hot lapping.

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The wheel takes copious amounts of time to get accustomed to, not really something you can just pick up. They’re a BLAST when you get comfortable with it. What F1 are you talking about?

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I’ve played racing games forever mate :slight_smile: Had probably one of the first racing wheels on the PS1 many years ago. I was going to get the wheel with this, but I ideally wanted the 3 piece pedal set and the F1 wheel; plus another game to justify the expenditure

I’m talking F1 2014. Codies have expressed they’re not working on 360 games any longer; which can only mean the next bunch of games will be next generation. I’m fairly sure the next game to be released from codies that isn’t that new Grid game will be F1 2014… Should find out very soon actually

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PullThePlug666 you make understandable points but how many series have you played where the lobbies are full and the racing is competitive? Me personally, veryone that I have been involved in with GSR. In perfect world racing with only seasoned drivers would be ideal, but this is Forza and nothing about it is perfect SIM and there are few drivers that play it that can run the limit of every class and not make mistakes. We take the less proficient drivers that are new members and think in the concept that if they race with us and see how its done then they will be the same.

As far as not buying your wheel yet, you are missing out so on so much. It is an absolute blast. I think the statement is true that with everything off and cockpit view forced, wheel users and controller users each have an equal amount of difficulty to a degree. However, I will say the wheel is not easy to just grab and nail right away as some might think. I will also say that a wheel separates the good video game players from players who actually can drive and that have real racing instinct and awerness, well as much as you can have on a video game.

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