Looking for Indycar or Indylights drivers

Hi, i currently run an Indycar league and will be starting our second season. After some success i am looking to push the field up to hopefully maximum capacity as we usually vary between 10-14 drivers a race.
As well as this i am looking to field an Indylights championship soon and are looking for drivers to cover that.

Indycar runs a 16 race championship with two races, a sprint and a feature race, using current Indycar style points.

Indylights will be a 12 round championship also using the two race format and current Indylights points system.

If you are interested let me know either on here, message my gamertag or visit our website - http://kartingteam.wix.com/utrroadtoindy

Thanks for looking, enjoy :slight_smile:

I would be interested. What are the dates and times?

sent an application in and looking for more info

hey guys,

if your looking for more than just indy racing head over to this site