Looking for custom logo artist

I am looking for a artist to create my business logo easily found here at www.starkweatherandsonsroofing.com

Im looking for the same thing actually.

Why do you want his company logo?

Lol. Guess I could have stated that more clearly. Maybe I was hungover?

Looking for someone to help me out with MY logo as well. Just riding the coattails of the OP. So, there. :smiley:

Maybe it would help if you provided a link/pic of your logo? Or did I just miss it?

Lol…I will…eventually…pull my head out of my butt. I reckon that would help. 1st things first…how the hell do you post pictures on here? I’m a bit of a computer illiterate.

Nevermind…remember someone saying something about putting it on flickr and sharing that link.

Use the ingame font… its the same typeface. Wont take you long to do yourself


I did a vinyl of the circular wall builder logo, but am not at my console right now so can’t post pics. If you search for RJiiFIN in the vinyl section you’ll find it.

hindsman logo by baronwolfgang.arts1, on Flickr