Looking for club members.

Its a club me and my 3 friends made. We are daily players that mostly play at night on weekdays and weekends too. We are just looking for new people to ride around with and just have fun. We are into pretty much everything the game has to offer. We like to race, drift, cruise around, help eachother out and collect achievemnts together. We just like to have fun while playing. Our club is open to anyone. Just search for FEARLESS [FH69] and join if this club interests you!! Hope to see you on the streets of Australia!

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Hey. I’ll add you later after I get out of work. We can roll out

If you on Xbox, what’s your GT?

GT is drunkchiksrEZ

6 members strong!! Anyone can join!

i joined an sent you a friend request. my gt is RichHomiePluto

Got it. Added back!