Looking for a team.

Hey there guys, tittle pretty much says it all. I’ve been drifting on a Forza since Forza 3 and always loved to build/tune/paint my own cars. I’d like to know if any team would be interested in recruiting a rather new guy to the racing aspect of the game. I’m in my mid-20s so a older guys team would be more my type. Also a team that’s open to different kind of car classes would be nice. I feel like expending my knowledge about racing in general and would like to move on from full time drifting.

Hit me up on Xbox if you guys wanna chat my gamer tag is : CornHoleCaron


Hey man, send me a message @J3KYLNHYD3 on Xbox.

Hayam if your still looking for a team mine is currently recruiting, it’s a race based team but contains some great drifters too just for a bit of fun on the side. If your interested hit me up my @DemonicDog77