Looking for a team (UK)

Hi all

Im no where near the best but im new, willing to learn and up for some fun. Im 30 from UK so looking for a team around the same age (adult team) who are active, clean racers and have a lot of fun and don’t mind taking on a new guy!

Normally on BF4 but loving forza and would enjoy it even more in a team

We would be happy to have you join Advanced Racing. We are based in the US but allow people from any part of the world. We all work to develop our skills as a lit of us are fairly new. If your interested or want to know more please feel free to contact me or head to advancedracingteam.forumotion.com and check us out. Thanks and good luck!

Check out www.Forzamotorsport.org.uk
We have well established leagues and drivers of all skill levels
and are based in the uk

Hi Llewellyn5, Also based in the UK is ICR we’re currently running an S class Enduro tournament, and we’re only 4 rounds in (so not too far behind to catch up). Tonight at 6.30pm we’re doing Le Mans. ICR have been around for 4 years now, we started on F1 on the 360 (and still run that) and we also run on Forza 5. We all race clean and are all adults.

If you are interested then please reply and you can start tonight if you like.

Hi Richard

Just got back from the mothers day trips (oh so much fun). Add me on Xbox if possible.

Was tempted to try F1 but the single player took for ever and an moon! But would deff buy the Xbox one version when it comes out.

For all replies, Ive never raced in a team. Deff want to race clean but keep the fun banter going too. Will be so much fun racing in a good race with no one trying to take you out at each corner.

hiya Llewellyn5, i’ve added you as a friend on xbox.

If you join up on our forum you can take part and catch up in the Forza 5 Discussion and Standings topics.

and yup when the new F1 game comes out on xbox one i’ll be getting that too on there.