Looking for a team paint.. ($$$)

Looking for a Team paint for The GodFathers drift team.
Willing to pay…Msg me for details on this :wink:
Will require few pics of work.
Feel free to add me on XBL to chat or inbox me.
Many thanks,

My husband said he’d be interested in trying it (no charge). His GT is RacingDadTexas. He can’t respond himself because he’s banned from posting on the forum, apparently he wigged out and had some negative things to say about Forza 5 based on other folk’s reviews before he played it and he says that the mods felt he crossed a line. What exactly are you looking for as far as designs/layout/logos stuff like that?

you cant gift or pay anyone on FM5

He’s not charging for any design. Also, if he does the design, he’ll only share it for a limited time that you guys specify to prevent others from getting it, although there is no way to guarantee this obviously.

Guess you are not interested King or you would have read and messaged me. Thanks sole Ill give him a shout. And mostly a Design/layout no worries on logos. But we do have a team crest id like to incorporate. Other then that free game for the imagination which I am lacking in fm5 :confused: