Looking for a set of T3PAs!!

So these pedals are sold out everywhere it seems, anybody has some for sale?!

Also been looking for a while now. Good luck trying to get them anytime soon but if I find them I will post on here I have been checking amazon multiple times daily.

Yeah same lol I saw a set go on eBay for $115 like 2 weeks ago, man I regret not going for them. It’s amazing how Thrustmaster’s EU website has them in stock yet nobody else in the US does.

There are some on amazon I think 6 left from another company 112 shipped.

Thanks a ton! It’s kinda weird though cause I had one on backorder, never got a email or anything so I cancelled it and bought one that they had listed being sold by Amazon, and yet it still says theres no estimated date on delivery so Idk what’s going to happen, just hope I have it before the 30th lol

My pedals have shipped and are supposed to arrive tomorrow but I’m in Atlanta for the Petite LeMans race so I won’t be home until Sunday.