I live in outback Australia and because of this I suffer from poor internet speeds,this keeps me from racing online,the few friends I have that own X1 dont play Forza 5.
So I would like to know if any of you guys could add me to there friends list so I can compete in rivals and leaderboard ranks with new friends.
I look forward to making new friends on XBL who love Sim racing as much as I do.
GT= Anzac Mac
- You can race against anyone on the Rivals leaderboards. 2) Xbox One allows you to add anyone to your friends list as persons you follow. You want to race against known Turn 10 employees? Add them and they will be shown on your friends list. So, be proactive and start populating your list … waiting for others to do it for you will have less than favorable results.
thanks for the heads up I thought people still had to accept your request’s,I’m not lazy just didnt know is all.
No worries. The Xbox One friends system is better in that there doesn’t have to be a mutual agreement for you to follow someone. If they do consent to add you as a friend, all of the usual friends features become available. For the sake of Forza though, following someone adds them to your friends leaderboard in Rivals mode - extremely useful for events like the Community Bounty Hunter where finding their time amongst the crowd would be nearly impossible.
Feel free to add me. I can do it in about 6 hours but may forget lol. I do not have any xbox 360 slots left so it would need to be a follow from the Xbox One.