Looking for a 22’ Toyota GR86

Also by “trade” you mean just selling each other the cars on the auction house right?

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can throw in a lil bit of cash but hopefully u dont need that.

i mean cr btw not irl cash incase you’re confused @PS491 lol

Nah I knew what you meant I don’t need any cr it’s good

What happens if someone is sniping and they get the nsx r get before u do

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Cuz I know it is highly sought after

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nah its good there wont be too many snipers at that time of day, also im pretty fast.

if i dont get the car? crap is crap. nothing i can do about it. you will get the gr86 before i get the nsx-r, so you will still get the car you want. dw

I have both dm me on Xbox

Ok what time


Anyone have a GR Yaris to sell

I have on3 do uou hsve a aston martin dbs 2008 for a trade…

Yeah I want one too

Would be willing to trade a bmw m3 for one

I’ll trade for a bmw m3 new one obviously

Used to have both sorry though


Do you have a porsche rsr race car