If I had an XB1 and FM5 CatMan, I’d try 'em all, even though I know as much about tuning as I do about quantum physics. Alas, I do not. Nonetheless, don’t give up and keep on tuning
BTW, I really like that RS3 pic!
If I had an XB1 and FM5 CatMan, I’d try 'em all, even though I know as much about tuning as I do about quantum physics. Alas, I do not. Nonetheless, don’t give up and keep on tuning
BTW, I really like that RS3 pic!
Thanks man, i do like the pictures, but they all use a generic basic set up. As for the tunes however, i have a grasp of it, but i do need alot more training. Heck, the no aero Caterham is proving to be a challenge.
Chevrolet Chevelle tuning set up has now been added and uploaded
OP updated with new build and upcoming builds
going to try out your dallara im dying for indycar tunes
It was recently updated, and this tune has led me to 3 1st place victories in the Long Beach Challenge Hoppers. Hope you enjoy the tune.
More tunes are being made, including; Eagle Talon, Dodge Charger, Toyota MR2, and Something, Different…
4 new builds have been added to the growing list
Another 6 builds have been added
Hi TCCM, some of these tunes look really interesting so i’ll be trying these out!
I enjoy testing oddball cars so for me the Dodge SRT4 and the D class '81 Scirocco are at the top of the list.
Will post again by the end of today about my findings!
UPDATE: I have tried out the '64 Chevy Impala aswell and such an improvement over the barge it was! When it was stock, it reminded me of that Cadillac which was dlc on FM4!
The Scirocco has great potential. Prefer it to the Golf GTI’s in all honesty. Tried it out at Silverstone National and whilst I didn’t beat my previous best, it got within a second or so.
Now the SRT4 was a real oddity. Looks ugly as sin but really suprising how well this thing copes. Would of liked some extra brake pressure.
Overall, I say keep up the good work mate. The forums can get really dead at times so don’t let that put you off.
Sorry for not getting something back to you, RL has taken up a bit of time. Sleep deprivation, job, lots of stuff to do with animals, and something fun, learning to drive (And passing my theory test!) has all kept me from hitting FM5 hard with the tuning. Im really glad you are liking the tunes i have posted. There’s alot more where that came from! And as for the SRT4, i’ll re-release it with some added braking pressure. It was set at 125%, but im going to up it to 150%, which should do the job!
I have just gone on and checked, and looked at the times. As it stands on Rd. America Alt. (06/05/14)
Me; 2.31.285 @ 481st
You; 2.2.852 @ 265th
So, you are ahead, and a good few positions. You seem to underestimate yourself! It’s a really good time you set, and one i may have to target sometime.
As for everything else that has been going on, i have a handful of cars that i will be releasing in the next few minutes. I think i have about 6-8 new tunes, and 2 tunes are for the same car. More about that will be announced in the OP. And i hope to have a look into maybe tuning the new BMW, as i’m a bit of a DTM fan, and this car is just perfection!
Car - Chevrolet Corvette C5 Z06
Class - B 600
File Name - B Z06 TCCM
Notes - Quick, ferocious and potent on Long straights, it has a great amount of power behind it. It can corner well too. As of 04/04/14, it holds the 2nd fastest Z06 Time on Road America Alt. @ 326th (Beaten only by reaper mech.)
are you sure about this one?? i swear at that time your time was faster ???
hmm it seems i may be underestimating my z06 just a tad but in all honesty i always think im slower than what i really am (keeps pushing me faster i guess)
hmm it seems i may be underestimating my z06 just a tad but in all honesty i always think im slower than what i really am (keeps pushing me faster i guess)
That can be a good way to look at it, since you’ll always want to go quicker!
OP has now been updated with new tunes. Seems i didnt do as much as i thought, but theres 5 new tunes. Have fun with them
4 New tunes added, 2 new sections added to OP, and planning to release more tunes, including both Fiats from the new Bondurant DLC pack.