Lobbies are down again

This is the 2nd time in a week there has been an issue with Multiplayer lobbies. I am unable to join any hopper lobby at 8:00 EST. However, I can drop in and out of lobbies on Titanfall at will. Tighten up T10!

Do you guys even look at the xbox live status when you sign in? Xbox gaming and social are having problems!


As a matter of fast I did! However, since there were no issues with Titanfall and Forza 5 was not mentioned specifically (as it was last time!!!), I felt it prudent to give T10 a heads up as well.

Turn 10 receives automatic notices of issues. A short while ago, signing into accounts was really iffy at best, and most of the time failed. Xbox LIVE is again probably the issue.

I am sure that T10 would be notified (unless there is a glitch with that as well), but the more they hear from effected consumers, the more likely the issue will be promptly addressed. A little communication goes a long way.

Meanwhile, at the T10 offices…

“Hmmmm. I’ve decided I’m not doing anything FM5 related this month. Tired of messing with such things. Booooooring!”, said the random T10 Employee number 1.

" But drats, now I have four six hour work days to fill for the remainder of this month. I wonder, should I spend all that time checking important memos and e-mails for possible information pertaining to my future job security, or should I just spend all my time reading the FM5 forum, (just like I do every day)…Just in case they’ve noticed something else I missed by not reading my memos and alerts?" He wondered to himself, “Those forums are just sooooooo funny some days…”

“Meh, That requires reading those annoying posts from MOS95B95. Forget it. I’m sure if anything comes up, the guy in the next cubicle will handle it. Think I’ll just throw pencils at the ceiling today.”, he decided, and proceeded to promptly fall asleep,… again.

While over in the next cubicle, random T10 employee number 2…

Forgot to show up today.

And so, since everybody knows T10 only has two employees, neither of which work, (or read this thread), posting it was all for naught. Oh, and the world came to an end 5 minutes later.

The End

(Now if five more people had started a thread, this^ wouldn’t have happened.)

Seriously, they will work on it. People posting repeatedly about it won’t really have any effect on that, because, well, they’d be busy working on stuff, rather than reading the forums at this point. (That also assumes that the problem has anything to do with them, and isn’t entirely Live’s fault.) This isn’t some little low priority bug that they might set aside in favor of other higher priority work. This is a key service interruption. One that they’ll get to has soon has they can, and take care of has quickly has they can, whomever “they” may be. Rest assured. :wink:

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What are you, 10?! You’ve obviously spent no time in the biz world. Such communication may not have an effect, but NO communication will have absolutely no chance of any effect. What a maroon!
To submit such a long, inane post just shows you must have no other life. I’ll see if I can give you some more comments to post long, boooorrrring replies to so you won’t get bored.