After the recent update I seem to be down about 6 races/trophies in each league I have completed. I go into them and there is a race saying new and no trophy by it, anyone else had this issue?
After the recent update I seem to be down about 6 races/trophies in each league I have completed. I go into them and there is a race saying new and no trophy by it, anyone else had this issue?
That’s not an issue … it’s the result of the Road American implementation. However, there are a few instances where Road America events are complete and other events are listed as “new” - the result of a programming error I suppose. Either way, it was Turn 10 full intent to institute a new event in each series - hence why you now have one event in each to complete.
Yeah that correct, on most of them road America is completed and another isn’t, I have only just noticed it…