I’ve topped my best time twice now with my Ultima in the standing mile and it’s still stuck at 19.450 on the leaderboard. I ran a .434 and a .417 but neither updated. Still saying my best time is 19.450 and I’m still ranked 1,019. Rank didnt change either. Is this a glitch?
More than likely the runs were dirty. My friend and I ran 18.484 and 18.483 in the P class miles which is good for first place but were dirty due to a car passing in front of us or behind us. I am still 3 on both miles and he is 2.
Thats why it won’t update.
More than likely the runs were dirty. My friend and I ran 18.484 and 18.483 in the P class miles which is good for first place but were dirty due to a car passing in front of us or behind us. I am still 3 on both miles and he is 2.
Thats why it won’t update.
How could they have been dirty runs? They were done in free play with just me. And, theres 2 standing mile tracks? I didnt know this. Wheres the other?
I was talking about the 8 car mile track and the 2 car mile track. They are there.
If you were in free play then I have no idea why it won’t update them. It should unless it was the same time and slower. You can move up lets say if you run a 7.350 in the quarter in free play and then run in a dozen more time and one or two of them are faster times.
Yes I’m certain it was free play mode. I cant find any drag races online. Not early in the morning anyways.
Hit me up in the am im usually on and we can set up a lobby and see if you can replicate your times.