Hello everyone I’m new here and not sure if this has been talked about so sorry if it has but is there away to flip a layer? I’m currently in the works of making a “Rising Phoenix” for my 02’ Trans Am and it be very nice to have the option to mirror image different layers.
Paint whatever you want to flip on to say the left side of a car, go to the right side of the car, choose insert from left/right. Then copy these layers (now flipped) from the rightside back to the left.
Ta da there you go
This is for the hood of the car, I need a layer flipped for a logo I’m trying to make.
Copy the hood logo to the the right side of the car, insert all to the left side. It will be mirrored. Copy the mirrored left side logo over to the hood. Ta da, rinse, wash and repeat.
Make half the logo in the vinyl editor and save as a layer group. Go to paint a car and apply the layer group to the right side of the car. Tab over to the left side of the car and “insert all from right/left side”. The image is now mirrored. Save the new half as a layer group. Exit without saving. In the layer group editor load both he original and the mirror and align properly. Save as new layer group
– if wanted you may now go to “my layer groups” and delete the two halves as they take up space and you can always make the half from the whole.
The best way to do it is to reverse the size. So if the size of the decal or vinyl item is 1.00 then go down to -1.00. This will translate it across the Y-axis (vertically). This works across the x-axis ( horizontally) as well. SUPER SIMPLE! I was having this problem too and stumbled upon it by accident lol!