Launch Bonus Pack Problems

I purchased the Car Pass and Purchased the Launch Bonus Car Pack from the XBL store. It downloaded and installed. I checked and both are showing as installed on XBL store.

Then when I go to the in game marketplace the pack is showing as purchased but when I go to the auto show to try and purchase cars from the pack I get this message:

Installing Content. You are free to continue playing while installation completes. 0%

I downloaded the pack from the XBL store and it shows as installed, yet it doesn’t show as installed in the game.

The Car Pass bonus Noble has downloaded and installed fine but for some reason the Launch Bonus Pack isn’t showing in my game.


Try a hard reset of your xbox … do not delete your game save (I only say this due to some apparent confusion about resetting your game in order to access some DLC/VIP stuff)

Just tried this and didn’t work.

So I uninstalled the Launch Bonus Car Pack, didn’t another hard reset and re-downloaded it from XBL, and I’m still getting the installing 0% message.

I uninstalled it again did another hard reset and tried to re-download it from the in game marketplace and it still shows the installing 0% message :frowning:

Really don’t want to uninstall the game and start from scratch but it’s looking that’s the only option.

maybe the servers aren’t working like they should. There are some problems, you can read more about these problems on this forum.

Ok I bit the bullet and uninstall the game and re-installed the whole thing from scratch and now the cars are showing up as installed and can now be bought from the auto show.

Thanks for your help anyway everyone, I appreciate it!

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